Ginny Witte PhD

Ginny Witte, PhD

Trauma Informed Teaching

Trauma Informed Teaching

Learning environment

You want all your students to feel safe and be ready to learn! As a teacher, you want to understand your students and meet them where they are.  You know they can learn, but some students are not in a learning state. What are teachers to do? Trauma Informed Teaching is key!

Come, join us on this journey to help children of trauma learn, grow, and heal. We will teach you to help students develop tools and skills they need so that they can successfully move through the challenges of life. Only then, will they be ‘ready to learn.’ 

Become Trauma Informed

Schools are wonderful places for students to be supported on their healing  journey and to be supported by teaching practices that align with their needs.  

As teachers, you will learn and practice tools that you can model for your students as  well as use in your own life.  

Ginny Witte is available to talk with your school, or your group. Together we can make our  schools a place of safety and growth!

Presentation offerings

I’m available for speaking engagements and presentation opportunities.  Schools, parent groups, churches, community and  employees would benefit from having this important discussion on Trauma Informed Teaching. 

My session topics include Become Trauma Informed, Trauma Ready and Trauma Resilient. 

I offer Individual Coaching for both teachers and parents. 


Trauma Informed Teaching

Students who experience trauma may have trouble learning. They may have trouble sleeping, sitting still, or engaging with other students. Students may act out in ways that seem unrelated to that is going on at the moment. And they may seem hard to reason with. As a result, they are not physiologically in a place to learn.  

Trauma Informed Teaching